After her decision to step back from designing for industrial production, Lucienne developed a new vehicle for her creative energies: silk mosaic hangings. Designed using graph paper, they were constructed from small squares or strips of dyed silk, sewn together, supported on a stiffer fabric backing. The term silk mosaic was chosen, rather than patchwork, because the squares recalled the tesserae in Roman mosaics. Although created as works of art, they also had strong links with graphics, architecture and interior design.
Responding with characteristic ingenuity, Lucienne enjoyed the challenge of designing within this self-imposed discipline. As well as experimenting with composite geometric structures, she relished the opportunity of indulging her love of colour. Mind play and lateral thinking - always central to Lucienne’s design philosophy – were key ingredients in these inventive and visually witty designs.
Robin and Lucienne had both been appointed Royal Designer for Industry (RDI), the country’s highest mark of professional recognition for designers. In 1987 Lucienne became the first woman Master of the Faculty of RDIs.